




1. 鑒於據今日報道,油尖旺區內不少大廈的住客需要進行強制檢驗,為免人群聚集,下星期二1月19日早上到校購買下學期課本及簿皿將按級別作分流安排
小一至小三 上午8:30-10:00
小四至小六 上午10:00-12:00

2. 如閣下有感冒症狀,同住單位有確診者或曾與確診者有緊密接觸,應留在適當地點休息,避免到校。如需協助,請致電通知班主任或校務處職員,家長必須保留已繳款的7-11收據,稍後才到校領取已付款之課本。在指定售書日期外,本校教職員不會代書商收取任何現金或支票款項。家長亦可以選擇自己前往書局購買所需的課本。



[Special Arrangement for Purchasing Textbooks and Exercise Book at School]

Dear parents,

Since there are over 80 Covid infections recorded in the Yau Tsim Mong District in the past two weeks, the Health Department has announced to monitor the situation in this area closely.

1. In order to prevent crowd, parents are strongly recommended to come to school according to the following time slots:
P.1-3 8:30am - 10:0am
P.4-6 10:00am - 12:00noon

2. If you have any symptoms of cold, being in close contact with any coronavirus patients or living in the same flat, please seek proper medical advice immediately. Stay safe and do not come to school on that day. Parents in such case can contact the class teachers or our school staff to reserve the textbook set if you have already paid the textbook fee with a receipt at any 7-11 convenience store. Our school staff/teacher will NOT accept any cash or cheque on behalf of the bookstore after 19 Jan. Parents may also choose to purchase the textbooks directly from the bookstore instead.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation for all the necessary precautionary measures to help stop the virus.
